
很有趣的英文歌 Funny English Song

今天跟六年級的同學們分享了一首很有趣的英文歌,叫 I Feel Terrible。

Today I shared a funny song with my class. It’s called 『I Feel Terrible』.

以下是歌詞,至於歌曲,由於版權所限,只可登入 eClass 後才能聴到。

The lyrics are below, but due to copyright issue, you need to log in to eClass to listen to the song.

影片是音樂, 看看你能否跟著唱?

The video is the tune, see if you can song-along?

I’ve got a headache,
I’ve got a headache.
I don’t want to go to bed.

I’ve got a fever,
I’ve got a fever.
I don’t want to do my homework.

I’ve got a stomach ache,
I’ve got a stomach ache.
I don’t want to eat my lunch.

I’ve got a blister,
I’ve got a blister.
I don’t want to see my sister.

Every time I get a headache,
mama takes me to the doctor.

Every time I get a fever,
mama takes me to the nurse.

Every time I get a toothache,
mama takes me to the dentist.

Every time I see the dentist,
I always come home feeling worse.