
Scratch! download

五年級開始學 Scratch 了,而有些同學問如何下載,
P5 has started to learn Scratch,
some students asked me where can they download the software.

先介紹一下 Scratch 於版權方而的資訊吧,
Let's first take a look at the copyright information,

Scratch 是一種新的程式語言,讓你很簡單地開發
Scratch is a new programming language that makes it easy
to create your own interactive stories,
games, and animations
and share your creations with others on the web.

Scratch 是由 MIT Media Lab (http://llk.media.mit.edu)
的 Lifelong Kindergarten research group 所開發。
The development of Scratch has been supported with funding
from the National Science Foundation, Microsoft, Intel
Foundation, Nokia, and the MIT Media Lab research consortia.

Scratch 的開發研究經費是由下列單位所支援:National Science
Foundation, Microsoft, Intel Foundation, Nokia, and the MIT
Media Lab research consortia.

Scratch 的主網頁是:

同學們亦可以在些找到很多很多Scratch 的創意!

新手入門手冊 (中文版)

新手入門手冊 (英文版)

同學們可以在我 Blog 的右方直接下載 Scratch V.1.4 版
You can download Scratch v1.4 on the
right side of this blog.