
如果有人如此接機...... If you arrived like this at the airport......

I have always wanted to share this clip with you.
because I think it was great!
It was meant for advertising, but I would be amazed if I was one of the passenger.
這次是跟我上次發的「 Some Very Angry birds...」同一間公司製作的
This movement was done be the same company that did the "Some Very Angry Bird" I posted before.
他真的很善於「快閃」(Flash Mob)
They are really good at "Flash Mob"
簡單說明一下, 這是一個歐洲電訊公司的宣傳廣告
Let's talk about the clip. This was an advert for a telecommunication company.
On 27 Oct 2010, The company brought surprises to the people who arrived at Heathrow Airport, London.
Please note that NO musical instruments were used. All are human voices.