
English Lesson: Gossip and Rumors

I saw a post in Facebook asking about the difference between "gossip" and "rumor".
剛看到 Facebook 有同學問到 "gossip" 和 "rumor" 的分別

So I think I will explain a little here.

"Gossip" is information about a person or something that's usually private and true.
"Gossip" 是一些關於人和事的資訊,大多數是私人和真實的。

"Rumor" usually start by mouth and the information are not necessarily true. This piece of information can be passed by word of mouth.
而 "rumor" 則解作傳聞。資訊不一定真確,而傳播途徑大多數為口傳口,所以有以訛傳訛的錯誤。

So in other words, "gossip" is true facts and "rumor" may not be true or no one knows if it is true.
簡單地說,"Gossip" 一般指鮮為人知的事實,"Rumor" 指不知是真是假的傳言。